



2024-07-24 02:23:34 来源:网络


我没有耐心与小孩一起玩游戏 英语翻译 -
I'm not patient enough larking with kids.
As for a large amount of homework, I think just do part of it is okay, since what we pursuit is quality not quantity. If the amount of homework is too much, the students will be forced to complete the homework. I believe that in class the teacher should interact with the 希望你能满意。


英语翻译! -
The manager thinks your idea is very valuable.On my way to school yesterday,I saw a group of people walking to the west.Generally speaking,children like playing games together.John,your view on Lucy is entirely wrong.We all know that he is good at English还有呢?.
In the middle are my grandparents. On their left are my parents, while on their right are my uncle and aunt. My cousin sit on my grandparents'legs. My sister and I stand in front of my parents. I often play PC games with them on Sunday等我继续说。.
我喜欢和孩子一起玩用英语咋说 -
i like to play with children ,so i want to be a teacher,though to be a teacher is a tough job
我没耐心做我不感兴趣的事情的翻译是:I did not patiently do things that I was not interested in
英语翻译 -
5.Can you borrow me a knife? Sorry,I don't have a knife.6.Did you never walk yo school?No,I walked to school every day in winter.7.My classmates join different group.8.How ofen do you watch the football match? One time a week.9.Our teacher told us that we should 后面会介绍。
n. 游戏;比赛;剧本2)例句I have read his plays as well as his article.我不但读过他写的文章,还读过他写的剧本。二、短语1、play an important role 释义:起到重要作用2、play with 释义:与…一起玩3、in play 释义:开玩笑地;比赛进行中4、play for 释义:为…而玩;..
急!~~~英语翻译高手!~~ -
I love her! She can be very good - and the school's students live, although the school children more boys, But he can still play and their one together, but her Chinese progress, some time and I can say some simple everyday language, although sometimes the children of China是什么。
The person with a bad temper is out of patience.